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The Nature of Bullies

Posted by Henric C. Jensen on December 5, 2008

“Why did you idiots vote for a moron! He only won because of idiots. You guys should have your IQ checked!”


He started his posting to a Facebook Group/Page supportive of Barack Obama in that manner. Then he “complains” when he is called a troll and tries to “turn the table” on me when I reported his postings to the Facebook Admin and told him that I did, and why I did.

Bullies ALWAYS do that – claim that they are the innocent victims of all sorts of hate-campaigns and bullying when their victims dare to speak up and call them by their rightful name – Bully –  and seek out whatever authority to curb them. It never fails.

Bullies are born cowards, raised cowards and they will die cowards screaming “unfair” when the Almighty call them out on their bullying, and He will – eventually.

I spent 4 years in a site where bullying was the order of the day, and where the bullies had throngs of groupies that would clamor and scream and yell if the bullies occasionally were suspended, which was not at all often.

Those same groupies would soon become bullies themselves, running with all kinds of stories about the victims of these bullies, and the cycle went on and on.

I learned one thing from that – keep quiet and  report, report, report, report.

It might not help very much but you’ll know that you have done everything you can do.

Whatever you do – Do Not Engage

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