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Memorial Day Lie 2

Posted by Henric C. Jensen on May 25, 2008

I post things like:

The Memorial Day Lie

and people call me America-hater. I think they over-dramatize. I think they have irrational knee-jerk reactions born out of a misguided patriotism that unfortunately for the world in general means that we cannot count on the American public to correctly understand the impact US Politics have on the world.

They don’t realize that as the US IS the largest political force on the International Arena, who is in power in the US is of concern to the entire world – free or otherwise. The will of the American People expressed through Elections has consequences throughout the entire world.

When the United States of North America violates Human Rights and International Laws through their Troops deployed out-side US proper this impacts not only the countries the US attacks and their citizens, but also the citizens in countries where Human Rights and International Laws are already being violated.

China, Sudan, North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Burma and others can leisurely go about violating Human Rights and International Laws, because “if the US can, so can we…”

When the US refuses to ratify and comply with International Accords like the Kyoto Accord, because it might mean they cannot use fossil fuels as much as their economy would like, or that they would actually have to go after big business for their violations of Environmentally sound legislation, it gives less economically stable countries carte blanche on how to deal or not deal with f.i their part of global warming.

If you want to be the Biggest and the Best – as Americans so want to keep telling the world that the US is, then you have to live with the responsibility of being just that – and that means the rest of us have a right to criticize to our hearts content.

The question is – do I hate Americans? No I don’t. I never did. But just as I can criticize my own country of origin (Denmark) and the country I live in (Sweden) for its vices and failures on the national and international level without this in anyway being a sign of hatred, I can likewise criticize the United States of America.

Unfortunately for many Americans they live in a country that has a record of war of aggression that supercede every other nation in the world, a nation whose soldiers are known and feared all over the world for their war crimes, arrogance and violence against civilians. A country that not only condones torture, capital punishment and general humiliation of other nationalities out-side its borders, but actively practice those based on suspicion rather than proof and due judicial process (as if torture and humiliation can ever be acceptable methods of punishment!?). I do hold the American General Public responsible for the current state of affairs.

“But I am not a Republican, I didn’t vote for Bush in the last election…” True, but you didn’t vote for the Democratic Candidate with the biggest chance of throwing Bu$hco of the White House either, now did you? No, you didn’t, you voted for some independent to satisfy your own political self-interest, instead of thinking about what’s best for the US, and as the US is as it is, what is best for the entire world. So every soldier deployed out-side the US after the 2004 election is an American responsibility – regardless of political affiliation. Truly. If you did not vote for John Kerry in 2004, you are responsible.

The day after the election there should have been a Revolutionary Committee formed, so that Bu$hco could have been ousted. There should have been protests and demonstrations throughout the US, lead by the parties that “lost”. Demonstrations, riots and rallies – but were there? No. Why? Because most Americans are complacent and politically lazy.

Instead of eulogizing, immortalizing and canonizing American Soldiers this Memorial Day – spend some time practicing remorse and study up on how to get the civil courage to get a peaceful revolution going – a revolution to have the Constitution repealed and re-written to include a prohibition against sending US troops out-side the US without direct request from the International Community.

From On Memorial Day:

“current Memorial Days are not celebrations. We are grieving for the lost, lives lost for no good reason. Savagery and butchery with no ennobling purpose. The sacrifice of blood and treasure for the benefit of politicians, oil company executives and foreign oligarchs.

So despite the parades, picnics and baseball games, despite the unveiling of statues and monuments, despite the plaques freshly dedicated with the new names of “those who made the ultimate sacrifice”, I still feel that the only legitimate celebration of Memorial Day in 2008 is to find some posturing blow hard politician and kick him right in the nuts.”

Go ahead, mourn your dead – but also remember that it is your responsibility to make sure there are no more dead of any nationality anywhere.

10 Responses to “Memorial Day Lie 2”

  1. Holly said

    I agree with you, SB. The U.S. government is abusing its role as a world leader in ways so profoundly impacting that I’m sure even our great-great-great grandchildren won’t be able to comprehend. The Vietnam war was never meant to be won; it was meant to be sustained. Same thing with the current war in Iraq – it’s meant to be sustained, not won, so that Bush and company can get what they’re really after…


  2. Holly said

    Oh, and by the way, I want to thank you for stopping by my site and leaving a comment. You got me laughing pretty good, my friend, and I really needed that. ::hug::


  3. Thank you, Holly.

    Yes it is frightening how clueless so many Americans are.

    Reverend Wright was right – America’s Chicken have come home to roost, and it’s time the Americans realize that this is a fact.



  4. Holly said

    What’s really scary is that it seems like many U.S. citizens are aware that things are just plain wrong, but they can’t seem to get up enough energy to try to do anything about it. I think what’s happened is that people have just become defeated, SB; they see the government doing things in spite of their voices against those things, and after awhile, they just give up. That’s a dangerous position for people to be in, don’t you agree? So, there has to be some way to fire people up and keep them going so that this apathy is brought to a halt; if things continue the way they’re going now, I fear what the end result may be…


  5. I agree on the one hand, on the other hand I think the fact that the Americans don’t do anything (such as the Left actually collectively decide to vote for the most likely Democrat Candidate, instead of splitting the vote among three, four Lefty of Independents)is that they feel that it’s not their responsibility. Truly. Indifference.



  6. […] SOB’s, Memorial Day Lie 2] China, Sudan, North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Burma and others can leisurely go about violating Human […]


  7. LWM said

    I have to ask; Does it make you all feel better to show other how superior you are to the USA? I understand your right to speak your truths but this sounds much like hate words to me, but them I am just a stupid American who hasn’t a clue on anything and just cant “get it” right. So please forgive me for intruding on your mutual admiration in beating Americans cause heaven knows We are a truly Indifferent group who need to be told again and again by so many more “enlightened” ones on how we should use our rights in voting and how we are totally responsible the current state of affairs.

    You said Truly. If you did not vote for John Kerry in 2004, you are responsible. These words and others like it do no good to make any point you would like to make, such words just hurt people and make them defensive, blaming one countries people for the current state of affairs is not only ludicrous but irresponsible in itself. Whats all the spewing of hateful words and thoughts.

    I don’t know you SB, I would like to get to so I can understand your anger and hate at me (a citizen of the USA you don’t even know) just because you feel that maybe I didn’t vote as you felt I should. As for you Holly, I would have never thought you capable of such anger and hate words just because I am American; I can’t express my hurt and disappointment at this behavior

    So I guess this clueless indifferent apathetic American will just drive her gas eating Hummer into the sunset as I don’t care about anything at all, let alone human rights, people, animals, this planet or the wisdom of the ages.

    Lady Wolfen Mists


  8. I have to ask; Does it make you all feel better to show other how superior you are to the USA? I understand your right to speak your truths but this sounds much like hate words to me, but them I am just a stupid American who hasn’t a clue on anything and just cant “get it” right. So please forgive me for intruding on your mutual admiration in beating Americans cause heaven knows We are a truly Indifferent group who need to be told again and again by so many more “enlightened” ones on how we should use our rights in voting and how we are totally responsible the current state of affairs.

    In a democracy, the Government IS the People, because the People put the official in office, therefore the PEOPLE is responsible for the actions of the Government. Now if you have several candidates in an election, one really bad one (Bush) and one not so bad one (Kerry) and a handful better ones (Nader, Kucinich etc) and only the not so bad one has a REAL chance of beating the bad one, then it is the responsibility of the People to rally behind the not so bad one to make sure the bad one doesn’t get into office – because the People IS the Government. One can of course vote for any of the better ones, and hope against all hope that they will win the election – but when one lives in the only surviving world super power which is still reacting to the rest of the world as if it was the Enemy, one has a responsibility to use the only political power given to the individual to make sure that super power doesn’t harm others. Those non-conservatives who did not vote for Kerry in 2004 did not take this responsibility, although they had the power to do that.

    I am not asking any non-conservative American to do something I would not do myself or haven’t done in the past. It’s called tactical voting, and it’s a very powerful political tool.

    It is for instance being used by the Zimbabwean People right now, to make sure (as much as that is possible in Zimbabwe) that eventually Mugabe will be sent into history, and the Zimbabwean People will have democracy, human rights and civil liberties. The Zimbabwean People is rallying behind Tsvangirai, although some of them initially voted for Simon Makoni, rather than risk another umpteen years with Mugabe. They may not get what they want, but at least they realized the urgency of the situation and did what they could. In my opinion anyone who did not vote for Kerry in 2004 gave their vote to Bush, and the rest of the world has been forced to live with another 4 years of American Fascism.

    I wouldn’t care about the American Elections Result if it wasn’t for the fact that American Politics has a huge impact on the rest of the world, our civil and human rights, our freedoms and our right to self-determination.

    It all boils down to how seriously one takes one’s civil obligation to participate in the Government of one’s country.

    I don’t know you SB, I would like to get to so I can understand your anger and hate at me (a citizen of the USA you don’t even know) just because you feel that maybe I didn’t vote as you felt I should.

    I don’t hate (though I am angry because what the US does has a huge impact on the rest of the world) – your reaction to my criticism of the American People’s way of dealing with Fascism in their midst, labeling it as hatred only makes my point – Americans don’t take reasonable criticism well.

    As long as the US is as powerful as it is, and uses its military the way it does, and as long as the American People keep passively supporting a Fascist Regime by divisive use of their civil liberties, I will keep telling them that they need to wake up and rally behind the one candidate that has the best chance at beating the Fascists come November.

    The US is our little brother, we think he is the best little brother ever, he’s very strong, very handsome, nice and generous but he has a lot of really powerful toys, he has a hot temper and he doesn’t like the word NO, and he runs wildly playing through the House. All we are asking of him is that he stop and listen to us every now and then, because as his older siblings we do have a little more wisdom and knowledge about life, simply because we have been around a little longer.

    If that makes me “an America-hater” and “hating the American People”, then so be it.

    The US wants to be the leader of the Free World – well then it needs to look to what is good for the entire world, not just what’s good for the Americans.


  9. LWM said

    Hearing your words and listening to what your saying I am feeling like you seem to be all knowing as to what or who is good and what is bad, I would rather allow people to have free choice and vote as they are lead to do. Thats what our rights are all about, maybe it is something I cant express clearly enough to make you understand how very sacred it is to each individual. So all I can do is step back and say ‘Is that so” and then move on trying to make this world a better place about me as I am lead or see fit to do.


  10. Dale Husband said

    LWM, knock off the lame outrage! This is one American who understands exactly what Henric is saying. I did not vote for Bush Jr in 2000, I voted for Kerry in 2004 and last year I voted for Obama. I do NOT support imperialism by any nation, including my own!

    I have to ask; Does it make you all feel better to show other how superior you are to the USA?

    It’s NOT about being superior, it’s about being RIGHT! Sheesh! News flash: Bush Jr was NEVER fit to be President! I think he only won against Kerry because the election was STOLEN and I don’t care who denies that because they think “that can’t happen here.” IDIOTS! That’s exactly how elections get stolen, because people are not inclined to be on the lookout to prevent it!


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