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Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Banks

Posted by Henric C. Jensen on June 7, 2007

One of the most hard-to-kill myths, derived from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, is the idea that Jews control the World Economy. In the name of the Protocols Jews have been accused of being filthy rich and squandering money on their own, while on the other hand be cheap and petty elsewhere. The point being, of course that Jews are bad whichever way you see them.

“Protocol #6. At the same time we must intensively patronize trade and industry, but, first and foremost, speculation, the part played by which is to provide a counterpoise to industry: the absence of speculative industry will multiply capital in private hands and will serve to restore agriculture by freeing the land from indebtedness to the land banks. What we want is that industry should drain off from the land both labor and capital and by means of speculation transfer into our hands all the money of the world, and thereby throw all the GOYIM into the ranks of the proletariat. Then the GOYIM will bow down before us, if for no other reason but to get the right to exist.”

“In 1962, Omni Publications, a distributor of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, reprinted an early attack on the Federal Reserve called The Truth About the Slump (1931), in which author A.N. Field asserted:

“The Money Power that rules the world today is centered in the hands of individuals of a particular race and creed.” Field labeled the founding of America’s Federal Reserve as that point when “the United States was enslaved under this German-Jew engine of control.”

It is interesting to note that A.N. Field doesn’t name the “race and creed” thus leaves it up to the reader to make the connection to the Jews on his own without Field getting his hands dirty. That is the way Conspiracy Theories work – leave as much as possible up to the imagination of the audience. An audience that very often was poorly educated, under stress due to social or political mismanagement in the Government. So. Where did the idea of the filthy rich Jew, that control the Economy come from? There are historical precedence for the idea, though the reality it sprung from is far from glamorous or especially filthy (unless you call locking people up in Ghettoes, holding their relatives hostage and refusing to pay debts) filthy…

The Court Jew:

“The first examples of what would be later called court Jews emerged during the Renaissance when local rulers used services of Jewish bankers for short-term loans. They lent money to nobles and in the process gained social influence.”

During the Middle Ages, there were two Powers in the world – the Church and the State/City State. Those two were more often than not in conflict with each other, and while the Church could and would finance its wars/conflicts through taxing and selling salvation in the form of large estates, forced donations and withdrawn alms, the Secular Rulers didn’t have this opportunity, not only due to the fact that when the Church had taxed the people, there wasn’t that much left to take – the Church most often barred money trading, money lending and financial speculations through heavy Church penalties for those who engaged in such. With the exception of the Jews.

The Jews, in those times when they were allowed to reside in a city or a nation, were exempt from those penalties, because they were not Xians. Furthermore, the Jews were most often barred from other avenues seeking a livelihood. They were, by secular and religious law, forced to live apart from Xian Society, which meant they simply could not trade or move out-side the “Jewish Quarters”, unless they had notes of passage issued by the Xian Officials, who answered to the Ruler. Such notes of passage cost money. Often, if not always, a Jewish Community would pool resources to buy one or two of those notes of passage, so the community could trade out-side the Ghettoes – with other Jewish Communities in the country where they resided and in other countries. This meant that they aquired contacts and trade routes as well as a capacity for money lending. Money that the secular rulers needed. So the Jews became money lenders, not by choice, but by necessity.

The “social influence” they gained invariably took the form of a hostage situation, where the Jew with a note of passage and the contacts and money were forced to lend money to various noblemen and rulers to fend off destruction of the Jewish Community. He became a Court Jew. It was not uncommon that the nobleman required that the female relatives, most often daughters, of the Court Jew become his or concubine, or that he at least reserved the right to do so if the Court Jew didn’t comply. More often than not the debts were never paid, they were either annulled through a pogrom or through an assassination of the Court Jew, after which another Jew were “compelled” to take his place. By the time of the Renaissance this had become an established practice, and the few large Jewish “Houses” in Europe descend from this. Later the Court Jew became simply “a useful Jew“.

At some times it was even “fashionable” among Gentiles to have one or more Court Jews, and they competed among themselves to get “the best ones” tied to their courts…Most of the Great Houses of Europe are built on Jewish money that were never paid back – one of them is the Royal Family in England. So the “great Jewish Houses” like Rothchilds, didn’t get into banking as part of any conspiracy, but out of necessity – again a question has to be raised – why is it ok when non-Jews pass their professions and legacy on to their children, but not when Jews do it? And why would it be a bad thing to use a socially “positive” position to pass benefits on to your people?


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